Mariana Alvarado

Welcome! I am a Senior Researcher (Maître Assistante) in Comparative Politics at the University of Geneva's Department of Political Science and International Relations. I hold a Bachelor's in Humanities from the Carlos III University of Madrid, a Master's in Comparative and International Studies from ETH Zurich and a PhD in Political Science from New York University.

My research interests lie at the intersection of comparative politics, political economy and political behavior. In my research I combine these approaches to study how different forms of inequality affect citizens' expectations and behaviors towards the state. With a regional focus on Latin America, my research combines survey and natural experiments in an effort to make well-identified, causal claims. Substantively, it explores questions ranging from tax fairness to the effects of recognizing indigenous citizens. I also study the political economy of high-skilled migration in Switzerland.

You can find my CV here.



Published Articles & Working Papers

'Compensation and Tax Fairness: Evidence from Four Countries'. British Journal of Political Science, 2024.

'Testing the Compensatory Theory: A Survey Experiment on Covid-19 and Redistributive Preferences in the UK', with Pablo Querubin, Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage (R&R JOP).

'Privileged but Invisible? Uncovering Business Migration', with Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Sandra Lavenez and Philipp Lutz (under review).

'Attracting Migrants through the Backdoor: Business Migration in Switzerland', with Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Sandra Lavenez and Philipp Lutz (under review).

Work In Progress

'The Wrong Kind of Learning: Explaining Subnational Recall Diffusion' (Working Draft)

'Recognizing Indigenous Citizens: The Effects of Prior Consultations in Peru' (Working Draft)

'Public Resources and Accountability: Experimental Evidence', with Taiwo Ahmed, Aksel Sundström and Sverker Jagers.

Books and Book Chapters

Populismo Radical en el Perú: La Invención del Etnocacerismo [Radical Populism in Peru: The Invention of Etnocacerismo] (2022). Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

'Crecimiento y exclusión: la calidad de la democracia en el Peru' [Growth and Exclusion: Democratic Quality in Peru] (2013) with Aldo Panfichi. In Movimientos e instituciones y la calidad de la democracia: análisis de casos en América Latina y la Unión Europea, G. Alberti and J. Villena (coords.). Barcelona: Octaedro.

'Desconfianza y control: ONG y política en el Perú' [Mistrust and Control: NGOs and Politics in Peru] (2010) with Aldo Panfichi. In Usos, abusos y desafíos de la sociedad civil en América Latina, B. Sorj (comp.). Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

'Régimen político y desarrollo de la ciencia política en el Perú (1964-2007)' [Political Regime and Development of Political Science in Peru (1964-2007)] (2009) with Aldo Panfichi. In La Ciencia Política en el Perú de Hoy, A. Panfichi (ed.). Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.